
Rating -- /5.0

This score is based on user ratings and our scenario based testing.
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Verification supporting stats






Services provided by Regula

KYC Suite

  • Face Biometric Verification
  • Document Verification
  • Age Verification
  • eID Verification
  • Reusable KYC
  • Video KYC
  • Liveness Detection
  • Perpetual KYC
  • Address Verification


  • AML for Business
  • PEP Screening
  • Watchlists Screening
  • Adverse Media Screening
  • Risk Assessment
  • Fitness & Probity Checks
  • Sanctions Screening
  • On-going Monitoring


  • Know Your Business (KYB)
  • Know Your Transaction (KYT)
  • Payment Fraud Prevention
  • OCR for business
  • ID Number Checks
  • ESign
  • Hardware Scanner Devices
  • Flexible delivery model
  • 2FA Verification
  • On-premises verification
  • NFC Verification
  • Identity Access Management
  • Travel Rule
  • Phone Risk Assessment
  • Email Risk Assessment
  • Regulatory Reports

Our Evaluation


  • Ease of mobile SDK integration, making development straightforward.
  • Accurate results and part of a comprehensive product portfolio.
  • Excellent customer service with prompt and detailed responses.
  • Easy implementation and faultless operation.
  • Speed of verifications and reading capability.
  • Flexibility and leading-edge biometrics.

  • Limited customization options for UI elements in some cases.
  • Waiting for more white-labeling options for Document Web SDK.
  • Some devices may not have the required performance for proper SDK functionality.
  • Scanning capability is average for non-MRZ type documents.
  • Price could be more scalable or offer better startup pricing options.
  • Scanning speed could be improved.
1.1 This score is based the costumer journey on desktop and mobile phone.
Ease of Use

Industry average: 4.5

-- This score is based on the response time of the customer support in different scenarios .
Quality of Support

Industry average: 3.9

4.1 Based on the response time and accuracy on fraudulent /originals documents from multiple countries
Accuracy Score

Industry average: 3.5

  • Documents Testing
  • 4.1 Accuracy Rating

1-2 secs processing time with high counterfeit documents acceptance rate. Reports are not available in PDF formats.

Accuracy - Fake Document Testing

  • Accepted - ID Cards
  • Declined - ID Cards
  • UAE
  • Austria
  • Turkey
  • USA
  • France
  • Netherland
  • Spain
  • Germany
  • Poland
  • Italy
Accuracy - Original Document Testing

  • Accepted
  • Not Supported
  • Declined
  • ID Cards
  • Passport
  • License
KYC Journey

Rating & Comments


Comments:Comments: The user flow is smooth however despite of having clear instructions sometimes it requires patience to place the face in the said area.

User Consent & On-Boarding

Convenience On Document Capturing

Pros: The solution offers a fast and efficient verification process, saving users time and ensuring a smooth experience.

Cons: It does not provide any reason while rejecting a document, leaving the user clueless about what they need to do to get the document verified.

Convenience On Selfie Capturing

Pros: The process is easy to use and understand due to clear instructions.

Cons: The verification time is very high making the process slow and requires constant attention of the user.

Cons: When used in multi coloured backgrounds the verification process fails to accept the face liveness also bright overhead lights that produces glare affects disturbs the verification process and the face detection is failed

Cons: Only plain white backgrounds are found effective in detecting face liveness.

Cons: Facial details are not correctly mapped if a user is smiling, wearing glasses/optics or if an expression involves movement of mouth.

Overall KYC Journey Smoothness And Culmination

Pros: The verification process is fast, contributing to a smooth user experience.

Cons: The overall verification process slows the speed, combined with background and lighting limitations, necessitates users’ constant attention. This extended verification time could potentially impact user convenience negatively.


Compliance Perspective

  • GDPR
  • P2DS
  • CCPA
  • TCPA
  • ISMS
  • SOC 2 Type 1
  • SOC 2 Type 2
  • ISO/IEC 27001
  • ISO/IEC 27018
  • ISO/IEC 27017
  • PII
  • PSD2
  • ETSI EN 319 411-2
  • MTL
  • FCA
  • WAS 2.0
  • CIP
  • OFAC
  • MAS
  • FATF
  • FinCEN
  • IBeta Certification - Face Liveness
  • Privacy Shield Framework
  • AML Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
  • NIST
  • PAD
  • Security Implementation
  • 2 Factor Authentication
  • AES-256 Encryption
  • AES-256 Encryption
  • SSO Signup
  • Schedule Audits
  • Auto Logout In Case Of Inactivity
  • Role/Permission Based Users
  • Crypto Compliance
  • FinCEN And FATF-Basedd Crypto Compliance
  • Verification Attributes
  • Custom Verification Flow
  • Behavior Data Monitoring
  • Browser And Geo-Location Tracking
  • Custom Instructions Addition
  • Provided List Of Documents
  • Age Restriction Setting
  • Custom Fuzzy Match Value
  • Ignore Middle Name Mismatch
  • Customize Documents Expiry Months
  • Custom Filed Extraction
  • Country-Based Settings For Front And Back Side Of Document
  • Custom Re-Try Option
  • Detailed Decline Reasons
  • Enhanced Document Settings
  • Verification Data Deletion Option
  • Export CSV/Excel Option
  • Export PDF Option
  • Decline Reason Stats On Dashboard

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