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Top KYC AML Providers & Software Vendors

Stay ahead of financial crime and fraudsters, efficiently comply with regulations, and protect your business with industry-leading technology from top KYC AML vendors.

Choose Smart KYC Software Vendors for Smarter Business Operations

We have organised a list of the top 13 KYC software vendors that lead the industry. Our extensive analysis was conducted with utmost scrutiny against various components that are crucial for any product. This research helped us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of top KYC providers and recognize the leading players in every component.
Our approach towards defining these components was designed to cater to the needs of all the key stakeholders involved in the product development process, including Sales Representatives, Product Owners, Compliance Officers, CEOs, CFOs, and Product Designers.

To provide you with a quick glimpse, here is a concise summary of the components that we considered at the top KYC AML providers:

Here are some high-level findings of the top KYC AML providers’ journey:

  • Veriff has the longest verification flow.
  • Shufti Pro seems to lag on mobile devices. Their design is not fully responsive, and on some screens, the font family changes or takes a long time to update.
  • Shufti Pro is the only KYC software provider offering video recording options in the KYC journey.
  • The Auto capture option of Stripe and IDology works very well.
  • Veriff is one of the top identity verification companies that allows users to share the verification link on mobile via an email address or mobile phone number.

Summary from UI/UX perspective

  • Stripe, Onfido, and Veriff have the most mobile-friendly design.
  • Passbase uses swipe-up drawers on mobile screens, which are extremely user-friendly.
  • Trulioo and Jumio’s design seems to be the most outdated.
  • Passbase, Sumsub, and Shufti Pro use a progress bar to give a better user experience to the users.

Ranking – KYC Web: Based on the user experience, here is the ranking based on the clarity of instructions and aesthetics:

  1. Stripe
  2. Shufti Pro
  3. Passbase

Ranking – KYC Mobile: Ranking based on responsiveness, design consistency, user experience, clarity of instructions, and aesthetics:

  1. Stripe
  2. Passbase
  3. Onfido

Due to UI and responsiveness issues, Shufti Pro would be ranked below 5.

You can reach out to the links for details of the KYC Web flow and KYC mobile flow. For a quick glimpse into UI/UX aspects please check this link.

We have listed some important points from our research:

  • IDology’s back office is the most complex and confusing.
  • Shufti Pro’s back office provides maximum transparency to the users regarding billing, incoming requests, data, and verification details.
  • Visually, Stripe has a better design than others.
  • Shufti Pro provides greatly extended functionality in document and address verification.

Suggestions for Shufti Pro’s back office:

  • There should be a tab for tracking system logs.
  • In addition, there should be an option to customise the verification flow.
  • Custom webhooks for the events/triggers feature should be added.
  • There should be an option to create multiple API tokens.
  • In the back office, an option to allow or block specific documents against particular countries would be a good addition for the users.
  • A notification centre could be an important addition.

Based on the ease of use, transparency, and data listing:

  • Shufti Pro’s back office leads in our research
  • Onfido is in the second position
  • Incode is third
  • Stripe is marked fourth even though it has the best interface.

Have a look at the analysis of other features of the back office.

We have tested 10 fake ID cards from different countries and 3 original documents from Pakistan.

An overview of the acceptance of fake documents is as below:

Vendor Name Accepted Fake Docs count
Shufti Pro 0
Sumsub 8
Veriff 3
Passbase 5
Trulioo 7
Idscan 9
Onfido 1
Jumio 0
Stripe 0 (most countries were not supported)

Ranking based on Fake document testing:

  1. Shufti Pro, GBG and Jumio are on top.
  2. Onfido is second.
  3. Veriff is on third.

A summary of the original document testing is below.

Vendor Name Accepted Original Docs count
Shufti Pro 3
Sumsub 3
Veriff 0 (Passport not supported)
Passbase 1
Trulioo 3
GBG 1 (License and Passport not supported)
Idscan 0
Onfido 2
Jumio 0
Stripe 0 (country was not supported)

Ranking based on accepted document testing:

  1. Shufti Pro, Sumsub and Trulioo are on top.
  2. Onfido, Passbase, and Veriff are considered secondary.

A pattern is being observed here; Sumsub and Trulioo accepted fake documents. So it gives the feeling that these vendors provide a high acceptance rate to the customers while compromising the false positive rate.

Have a look at the document testing.

To find the pros and cons of the support and pre-sales teams, we reached the AML and KYC software providers with different use cases. We contacted them over emails and communicated on calls. We reached them at odd times and on public holidays to check the response time.

The findings of this analysis are mentioned below:

  • IDnow and Incode lead due diligence. Before giving access, they check the company profile and identity of the person who filled out the contact form.
  • The support representatives of IDnow are extremely efficient in promoting their services.
  • According to the analysis, Trulioo has the best support system with a proper ticketing system. They follow up on their own for queries. In addition, they also reach out over mobile contacts.
  • On the other hand, Incode administrators are the most friendly. Even before getting into the first call, they reached out over LinkedIn and began a conversation through that platform.
  • GBG’s support should be at the lowest rank. After communicating with one of their sales associates, another team member is reaching out to schedule the introductory call again.

Suggestions for the Shufti Pro sales team:

  • The support team should follow up on pending queries.
  • The sales team should follow due diligence protocols and know whom they are getting on a call with.
  • Meeting time should be defined via Calendly or any other tool instead of through email.

Based on communication, support workflow, and response timings; the following KYC and AML solutions providers are ranked accordingly:

  1. Trulioo
  2. Incode
  3. IDnow

Further details of the support team analysis can be found on this link.

Against the data retention attribute, the top KYC software vendors include:

  • Sumsub, with 5 years of data retention.
  • Veriff, Passbase, and Stripe provide 3 years policy
  • Shufti Pro offers 2 years of retention

However, Trulioo has the lowest retention time, i.e., 72 hours.

Have a look at the comparison of all other vendors.

  • Shufti Pro and Sumsub have maximum integration options of SDK, Plugins, etc
  • Passbase APIs have the least response time of 287ms
  • Shufti Pro has a helpful tool for integrations, “Auto Code Generator.”
  • IDScan’s API doc is very difficult to understand

Suggestions for improving Shufti Pro’s integration experience:

  • UI-based customization should be provided to the users
  • API documentation aesthetics must be improved
  • Allow custom webhook creation
  • IP restriction should be there on the API token

Here is the detailed integration analysis.

  • Shufti Pro, Sumsub, Veriff, and Passbase have open pricing mentioned on their website
  • Sumsub is not charging any setup fee, but they are charges $25 for users in the back office
  • Shufti Pro is providing a free trial to the users.
  • Sumsub also claims to offer a free trial, but they have a requirement to attach the credit/debit card details.
  • IDology has a monthly subscription of a minimum $500

We have an analysis against the pricing of each vendor based on the data we found. You can explore that here.

  1. Out of 37 major compliance certifications, Sumsub and Jumio are leading with 15 certifications
  2. Shufti Pro is on second with 13 certifications
  3. IDscan is at the lowest with only 4 certifications

Interestingly, all vendors are GDPR compliant except IDscan

For a detailed analysis from a compliance perspective, please check out this link.

High-level findings:

  • Sumsub is marketing its customization features publicly. They have a web page for designing the custom dashboard.
  • Also, Sumsub has the feature of Reusable KYC, which many KYC and AML solution providers oversee.
  • Stripe operates only in 33 countries, but they have integrated national databases to verify ID card numbers.
  • IDnow is providing a verification wallet.
  • Shufti Pro has a very well-developed pricing page.

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