BIGG Launches Advanced Ethereum Course for Law Enforcement and AML Professionals

June 13, 2023

Blockchain Intelligence Group, A leading Blockchain-based risk-scoring, CryptoCurrency and Digital Asset Training firm announces the release of “Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (CCI) training course.

Its prime focus is to boost the knowledge among investigators and equip them with tools to technically investigate Ethereum blockchain.

Cryptocurrency is experiencing exponential growth globally. With this growth-rate, it is also facing challenges at different levels where in-depth understanding of blockchain technology and its application in crypto-trading is becoming necessary. Ethereum being the world’s second largest crypto platform that is blockchain-based is witnessing an expanded landscape with 641000+ Ethereum-based tokens. BIGG has developed this certification program in three modules to examine the intricacies of blockchain-based Ethereum.

Lance Morginn, President of BIGG says,
“With the launch of CCI ETH, we embark on a journey to prove our commitment in serving the crypto community, especially the AML professionals and investigators. We intend to equip the compliance team with tools and knowledge necessarily required to fight Money Laundering and other Financial crime. Our specialized training module will focus on Ethereum and we wish to bridge the gap in knowledge and bring together the professionals for technical investigations to pace-up regulatory compliance in the digital asset world.”
Also Read: Quantexa and ING Join Forces to Enhance Anti-Money Laundering Measures

BIGG shall continue its journey to support law enforcement agencies, investigators and AML professionals by boosting up their capabilities and enhancing the knowledge base to combat Money Laundering in digital asset ecosystems.

Credits: globenewswire