KYC AML Guide: the Clock shows the average reeding time of the blog09 min Read


KYC AML Guide: the Clock shows the average reeding time of the blogFebruary 1, 2024

5 Reasons Why You Should Regularly Check Your Digital Footprint

In this blog, we will examine how you can regularly check your digital footprint and decrease it. Before we examine how you can monitor your digital footprint, how about we initially talk about what it is: A digital footprint is the trail of information you make as you use the internet. This incorporates sites you visit, data you submit on the internet, messages you send, comments you post, etc. The qualities of an individual's likes, dislikes, and interests can be uncovered by the footprint and so on. Let's dig into the blog to find out about digital footprint checkers and why there is a need to regularly review them.

Belal Mahmoud

KYC Product Consultant

What is a Digital Footprint?

When you’re online and use your device to interact with websites, apps, forums, and files, you leave a data trail. This data trail is known as a digital footprint. Let’s take reading this article as an example.

  • How did you discover this blog?
  • Did you Google something like “What is a Digital Footprint”, “Reasons Why You Should Regularly Check Your Digital Footprint” or “Digital Footprint Checker” and end up here?

If yes, then it left a digital trail in your search history. So you left another digital footprint in your browsing history when you accessed this site. Are you going to share this article on social media later? You see where this is going.

Your digital footprint tracks your online activities and data from the electronic devices you use as the basis of your digital identity. However, a digital footprint makes sense when viewed as a whole because it’s a larger collection of personal data. A single crumb doesn’t tell you much but together, these crumbs can tell a detailed story, including the websites you visit, the photos and files you upload and download, the searches you perform, and the texts you send.
Also Read: What is a Digital Footprint in KYC?

One of the main reasons businesses need a digital footprint checker is to comply with KYC regulations. A strong digital footprint can help companies comply with KYC regulations, giving them access to a lot of information about their customers. This information may include the customer’s online activity, transaction history, and social media profiles. Companies can identify patterns of behavior that could indicate fraud or other financial crimes by analyzing this data.

How To Check Your Digital Footprint?

The following are the steps to check your digital footprint.

this infographics shows How To Check Your Digital Footprint?

Regularly Google Your Name

If you regularly Google your name it is an easy first step to keep an eye on your digital footprint. A quick search can reveal that a lot of personal information is available to anyone simply by searching for their name. This information may include, for example, your telephone number, current address, family living with you, place of work, etc.

Review Social Media Privacy Settings

Make sure your social media accounts have strict privacy settings. Check and update these settings regularly to manage publicly available information. Think about the consequences of every message and update you share online.

Delete Unnecessary Accounts

We create more accounts than we can handle over time. It is not uncommon to use the same password on these sites as well to remember it for future use. To find some of the accounts you signed up for, check your password manager or email account settings.

To do this in Gmail:

  • Open your Google account settings.
  • Click Security in the left menu.
  • Browse connected third-party apps and services.
  • Click view all connections.
  • Review the list of sites and revoke access if necessary.

Use Privacy Tools

Implementing privacy tools like VPNs and secure browsers can help keep your online privacy safe. These tools protect user data from tracking and collection by third parties, reducing your passive digital footprint.

Be Mindful of Sharing Information

Before sharing information online, think about the consequences. Avoid sharing confidential and personal information that could be misused. Being aware of your online activities can significantly reduce the risks associated with your digital footprint.

Reasons to Monitor Your Digital Footprint Regularly

Protect Your Identity

Monitoring your digital footprint is important to maintaining a good online reputation and protecting your personal information. If they are not monitored regularly, or if the information is easily found online, it is also possible that any identity will be compromised or stolen. Cybercriminals can use information shared online for many reasons. This information is not difficult to obtain if it is shared publicly.

The internet can be the biggest threat to the individual along with the threat of cyber criminals. In today’s world, it is not uncommon for employers, universities, and other higher education professionals to quickly find someone’s name or email address and learn more about a subject. In many companies, it is common practice to check the digital signature before hiring someone.

Check your Privacy

Regular monitoring of your digital footprint is essential to staying safe on the internet. Identify and monitor illegal or unauthorized activities related to your account and online interactions. By quickly identifying and resolving these issues, you can protect yourself from potential harm and protect your reputation. A large digital footprint can make you an obvious target for fraud and identity theft. Flexible monitoring allows you to measure sensitive information and take steps to remove or protect it.

Identity Verification for KYC:

The KYC process is used by individuals to verify their identity, address, and other related information. Digital footprinting ensures continuous online data corresponds to the information provided during the KYC process. The improvement of the identity of data across different platforms and the risk of data accuracy being lowered from fraudulent activity is maintained by data consistency.

Beware of Data Breaches:

The information is compromised by frequent use of websites and services, especially personal data. One very simple and easy way to detect potential breaches in data is by monitoring your digital footprint regularly and taking immediate action to protect your information.

Mitigate Fraudulent activities:

A digital footprint checker is an effective tool for businesses to detect and limit fraudulent activity, thereby protecting both the company and its customers. Digital security systems use this for early detection and prevention of fraud and it becomes an essential component of the digital security system. As the world is moving towards e-commerce, the vulnerability of businesses to fraudulent transactions increased and that can harm their reputation and result in financial losses. User behaviors are the key factor in e-commerce businesses digital footprint analysis helps distinguish genuine customers from fraudulent ones, allowing businesses to assess risk levels.


If you’re worried about your digital footprint, be prepared. For example, work with a professional like KYC AML guide to find possible answers for those who may have questions about the negative aspects of their digital footprint. Learn how to contact the sites you want to delete your messages or photos from. In the event of a data protection incident, contact the relevant authorities, such as your financial institution or law enforcement, immediately. You should also change your passwords and scan your systems with a spyware scanner. Take all necessary steps to minimize your digital footprint and learn how to manage unwanted events


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Belal Mahmoud
KYC AML Guide: the Linkedin share

Belal possess over 8 years experience in the KYC Identity Verification industry. He has consulted KYC solutions for over 20 new economy companies at DIFC and ADGM while ensuring a seamless technical integration and helped in jurisdictional compliance audits.