China Announces Digital Identity Service Network Allowing Citizens to Control Their Data

December 13, 2023

China announced the launch of ‘BSN real-name DID’, a digital identity service provided by the Blockchain Service Network (BSN), on December 12.  The service aims to establish a digital identity network that combines front-end anonymity with back-end real-name attributes. The announcement in Beijing marked a move towards a digital identity system reported BSN.

The development emerged through a collaborative effort, involving the National Information Center, the Ministry of Public Security, China Mobile Communications Group, Beijing Zhongdun Anxin Technology Development, and the BSN Development Alliance.

The BSN real-name DID service is a fusion of BSN’s blockchain service network and CTID’s digital identity chain. It seeks to meet the requirements of the digital economy while managing the delicate balance between anonymity and real-name verification.

BSN reportedly  stated, “The launch of BSN real-name DID service gives users control over the use of personal digital identity and personal information.”

Application Scenarios of BSN Real-name DID Service

The BSN real-name DID service will reportedly come with the release of multiple application scenarios, expanding its scope of applications, including;

BSN personal data real-name verification service

The service verifies the users’ real names within datasets created on internet applications, safeguarding the rights of personal data owners.

BSN personal data encrypted transfer service

It ensures a strong connection between personal identity and data, ensuring encrypted protection and verification while transmitting personal data across platforms.

BSN personal privacy protection login service

The service enables anonymous system entry, user authentication, and business processing with electronic signatures, achieving anonymous login compliance with real-name regulations.

BSN customized business DID service

BSN’s integration of business DID for individuals on platforms enables flexible identities and secures data interaction through custom documents, safeguarding user privacy.

BSN personal identity certificate service

This service supports local businesses to prove their identity in various scenarios, promoting platform exchanges, while signature verification ensures personal data correlation.

BSN personal identity information certificate service

The certificate issued by CTID acts as a carrier for “front-end assembly and back-end authentication,” facilitating selective disclosure and active authorization of personal information.

BSN customized business personal identity certificate service

It supports customized voucher templates following business scenarios and issues vouchers for user-authorized data sharing when required.

The relevance of the service is particularly notable in the advancement of web3, where the prevalence of distributed applications and collaborative efforts is growing.

To get more understanding of blockchain identity verification also read: Digital Identity Management: Enhancing Security Through Blockchain-Based IDV System