FCA Shares Whistleblowing Quarterly Data 2022 Q4

August 5, 2023

The Financial Conduct Authority of the UK has released the latest data showing statistics of new whistleblowing reports between October and December 2022.

This consolidated data has a piece of comprehensive information for law enforcement agencies and the general public that can reflect the state of different financial crimes in the country. It is important to note that the identities of the whistleblowers are protected.
Also Read: FCA Progress on Synthetic Data Working Group

FCA ensures the management of whistleblower information appropriately. While, sharing personal data is at the discretion of the whistleblower, receiving contact numbers, email addresses or other contact information helps FCA to further process the complaints.

The report reveals that FCA received 128 complaints of compliance in the last three months of 2022. The fitness and Propriety category followed Compliance with more than 109 reports. There were a total of 25 fraud-related complaints. AML and Money Laundering reports collectively amounted to 19.
Download these reports from the official link here:

Whistleblowing quarterly data 2022 Q4 | FCA

Also, FCA shares its strategic plan to focus on three key areas:

1. Reducing and Preventing Serious Harm
2. Setting and Testing Higher Standards
3. Promoting Competition and Positive Change

This strategic plan is also downloadable at the following link:
FCA Strategy 2022 to 2025