EUDI Wallet Gets Approval from the EU Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy

December 12, 2023

The EU Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet is closer to reality as the European Parliament Committee has endorsed a draft of legal framework governing the digital identity project. On Friday, the Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) officially approved the eIDAS 2.0 regulation, commonly referred to as the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Initiative. The draft received approval with 35 votes in favor, 13 opposing votes, and 6 abstentions, reported Renew Europe.

The wallets will be connected to national identities, facilitating the storage and utilization of various personal attributes across different situations. This includes using medical prescriptions across the EU, completing tax fillings, opening bank accounts, and requesting birth certificates.

“The creation of the European Digital Identity Wallets is a key step to empower our citizens and our businesses to have an app in which they have full and exclusive control over their documents, identification means and other elements that are used in everyday life.” Alin Mituta, a Member of the European Parliament stated, “I  am confident that we managed to design a good framework that is underpinned on these five principles: security, privacy, interoperability, usability, and availability. The work however is not done yet, the success of the Wallets is further dependent on the implementation phase.”

About eIDAS

In June 2021, the European Commission released a proposal introducing a revised eIDAS regulation, named eIDAS 2.0. The updated version serves as a replacement for the previous 2014 regulation, incorporating a series of crucial adjustments. On November 8, 2023,  the European Parliament and the Council of the EU agreed on eIDAS 2.0  regulations, which aim to provide a secure and reliable digital identity for all the citizens of Europe. Additionally, eIDAS 2.0 seeks to streamline public procurement procedures and enhance interoperability across different nations.
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