A Collaborative Partnership for Seamless Onboarding: Jio Haptik & IDfy Join Hands to Introduce Whatsapp-powered eKYC

May 24, 2023

WhatsApp was never used for such a sensitive but useful purpose before. Jio Haptik and IDfy have joined hands for seamless customer onboarding through WhatsApp. The partnership will facilitate all the necessary KYC procedures via chat through the popular messaging app. The process is of high utility in banking and other financial services that face the challenge of customer onboarding.

Jio Haptik is uniquely offering its GPT bot-powered messaging service to enable users to complete their pending KYC via WhatsApp. On the other hand, IDfy offers advanced API through AI and Machine Learning for information extraction from documents and identifying data tampering, comparing faces with pictures, verifying and checking criminal records, and much more.
The joint venture is confident to provide 99% automated approval in KYC checks within a WhatsApp chat. Customer Satisfaction will also improve and onboarding will become more easy while different solutions are provided without separate application login.

Haptik’s CEO, Aakrit Vaish while sharing his remarks on this occasion said, “We are super-excited to have partnered with IDfy who are experts in the BFSI sector. It fully supports our expertise in the WhatsApp bot domain. We are jointly aiming to provide exceptional services by utilizing the full potential of WhatsApp as a powerful platform to streamline KYC and increase customer satisfaction.”

Paritosh Desai, DPO of IDfy added, “IDfy and Jio Haptik partnership is unique in every sense. We are transforming business operations in Fintech and BFSI domains. It is our top priority at IDfy to deliver top-notch user experience and our collaboration with Haptik will bring innovation to a whole new level. Haptik is leading the WhatsApp chatbot industry and can help us achieve the variety of use cases of our solutions.”

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