
Rating 4.3 /5.0

This score is based on user ratings and our scenario based testing.
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Verification supporting stats






Services provided by Trulioo

KYC Suite

  • Face Biometric Verification
  • Document Verification
  • Age Verification
  • eID Verification
  • Reusable KYC
  • Video KYC
  • Liveness Detection
  • Perpetual KYC
  • Address Verification


  • AML for Business
  • PEP Screening
  • Watchlists Screening
  • Adverse Media Screening
  • Risk Assessment
  • Fitness & Probity Checks
  • Sanctions Screening
  • On-going Monitoring


  • Know Your Business (KYB)
  • Know Your Transaction (KYT)
  • Payment Fraud Prevention
  • OCR for business
  • ID Number Checks
  • ESign
  • Hardware Scanner Devices
  • Flexible delivery model
  • 2FA Verification
  • On-premises verification
  • NFC Verification
  • Identity Access Management
  • Travel Rule
  • Phone Risk Assessment
  • Email Risk Assessment
  • Regulatory Reports

Our Evaluation


  • A proper ticket system with 2-3 hours ticket resolve time. Support has good product knowledge and swift response to our queries.
  • Supports multiple pricing plans and has a low setup fees.
  • Modern and sleek design with plenty of instructions
  • Quickly verifies identities, simplifying compliance and reducing client interaction.
  • Offers a wide range of data sources, enabling customization and accurate risk assessment.
  • Responsive and helpful team provides valuable assistance during implementation and ongoing support.

  • Supports only major integrations with SDKs, PHP, Node, Javascript, etc. Integration facilities also lack in some places.
  • Lacks in some major verification attributes.
  • Many document uploads on a single screen puts cognitive load on the user.
  • Lacks in many functionalities such as advanced search, dashboard views, etc. needed by the end users.
  • Low counterfeit document acceptance. Reports are not visually pleasing
  • Lacks some handful UX features to support efficiency.
4.6 This score is based the costumer journey on desktop and mobile phone.
Ease of Use

Industry average: 4.5

-- This score is based on the response time of the customer support in different scenarios .
Quality of Support

Industry average: 3.9

4.2 Based on the response time and accuracy on fraudulent /originals documents from multiple countries
Accuracy Score

Industry average: 3.5

  • Documents Testing
  • 4.2 Accuracy Rating

2-3 seconds processing time with high original document acceptance but low counterfeit document acceptance. Reports are not visually pleasing

Accuracy - Fake Document Testing

  • Accepted - ID Cards
  • Declined - ID Cards
  • UAE
  • Austria
  • Turkey
  • USA
  • France
  • Netherland
  • Spain
  • Germany
  • Poland
  • Italy
Accuracy - Original Document Testing

  • Accepted
  • Not Supported
  • Declined
  • ID Cards
  • Passport
  • License
KYC Journey

Rating & Comments


Comments:Comes with an express verification method. However, many document uploads on a single screen puts cognitive load on the user.

User Consent & On-Boarding

Pros: Customised UI is much better than the original Trulioo’s UI.
Pros: the CTA button is the center of the attention which calls for a smoother flow

Cons: Trulioo is not taking the privacy policy consent from the user.

Convenience On Document Capturing

Pros: They have addressed the users’ security concerns to make them comfortable. In addition, they are providing a secondary type of verification, “Express Verification,” through which you can verify in just two clicks.

Pros: The user gets asked for the front and backside on the same screen, clearly letting the user know what he has to provide for verification.

Cons: The text above says to select the document type. But the country selection dropdown is also there. The verification flow is only in one language.

Convenience On Selfie Capturing

The size of the oval is large and allows the user to adjust the face easily. Overall instructions are very clear and the journey is user friendly.

Cons: The verification time is significantly high. It gives an option to skip for now however the purpose is not very clear of that button. The user is asked to upload three documents in the same screen, and each doc has separate instructions. It’s putting a cognitive load on the user.

Overall KYC Journey Smoothness And Culmination

Pros: After the verification is done, they have put a CTA button that redirects them to where they started their verification journey.

Cons: Too many actions on a single screen can put cognitive load on the user and previously uploaded documents are visible to the user to cross-verify.

KYC Journey

Rating & Comments


Comments:Has a modern and sleek design with plenty of instructions but does not show the uploaded documents to cross-check.

User Consent & On-Boarding Mobile

Pros: Trulioo’s initial screen presents a user-friendly design, with a tooltip option provided to assist the user in understanding the actions they are performing. Additionally, alternative methods of uploading documents are also provided, giving the user more options.

Cons: Trulioo does not have multilingual support.

Convenience On Document Capturing

Pros: In this screen, the user is asked to choose the document they wish to upload. The user is also provided with a “Help” button located in the top right corner of the screen. Before beginning the task, Trulioo provides a few instructions to help the user understand what they need to do next.

Cons: The design appears to be out-dated, and there are no clear instructions on the screen. Trulioo offers the option of scanning an ID and a photo of the user instead of uploading documents. However, the camera screen has a lot of white space, and there is no option available for retaking the image.

Convenience On Selfie Capturing

Pros: If an error occurs during the image capture, Trulioo allows the user to retake the image. They also provide an alternative option of uploading a document on the same page.

Cons: It does not explain what went wrong during the image capture. Trulioo provides instructions for taking a selfie, however it requires too much effort for writing “Official Use Only” and “date” on a piece of paper.

Overall KYC Journey Smoothness And Culmination

Pros: The screen provides an overview of the verification process, stating that the process has been completed and that the user may now close the browser.

Cons: It does not show the uploaded documents for cross-checking.



Rating: 4.8


A proper ticket system with 2-3 hours ticket resolve time. Support has good product knowledge and swift response to our queries.


Tool Used For Calling


Response Time

Trulioo has a 24 hrs. proper ticketing system where initial acknowledgment is done in 30 – 40 mins. After the opening of tickets, the response is within 2-3 hrs.

Agenda:Informal Invite

Scenario 1

Trulioo’s team is swift. They are flexible in asking for different use cases. They were comfortable answering and giving solutions. We asked to add our custom font family to the iframe. Also, about white labeling, it.

Scenario 2

Their tech guys and support team are quick and professional. In case of any issue, they are always ready for a call. On skipping the meeting, their team also contacted the mobile number.




Comments:It has limited functionality, but it is fulfilling the basic requirements.


Cons: The design seems slightly off compared to the competitors. Also, privacy policy link is missing.






Product Demos



Comments:Supports major integration methods such as ios, android, PHP, Flutter, NodeJS, etc. with really good documentation and handful of integration facilities.

Integration Methods

Yes, available. Here are the details .

Android SDK

It’s available. Here are the details.

React Native SDK (Expo Environment)

React SDK is available, and expo env could be set up from react native site. React Native(Expo Go).

View image

React Native SDK (CLI Environment).

Yes, available. React Native(ClI environment).

Npm Module For React Native

Yes, available. Here are the details of Trulioo’s React Native npm .


It’s available.

View image


It’s available.

Flutter Plugin

Not available.


Not available.


Yes available. Postman collection is provided, details are present here.


Yes available in postman documentation.


Java SDK is provided by Trulioo.

Hosted Verification Page

Yes, hosted page service is available.


Yes, Available.


Not available.

Apache Cordova Plugin

Not available.

Documentation Details
Explanation Through Flowcharts

Yes, available.

Easy To Understand

Yes, it’s straightforward to understand.

All Documentations Are On The Same Page

Yes, documents are updated. Some modules are updated recently, three months ago.

Integration Facilities
Country-Based Restriction In SDK.

Countries are dependent on your account configuration. To add more countries, we need to contact the Trulioo sales team. API is available to check or get the list of available countries.

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Multi-Lingual Response Settings

Not available.

Custom Webhook Creation

Ongoing monitoring service is available and customers can enroll businesses at any time for ongoing monitoring service.

Custom Application Token

Yes, available. The API key will be used to configure the account and get embedID. Then embedID will be used to generate an access token for each embedID instance.

Specific Permissions To The App Tokens

Not available.

IP Restriction On App Tokens

Not available.

Sample Codes In Different Languages


Sample Codes Android/IOS

Yes step by step screenshots are available.

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UI-Based SDK Settings

Yes, In Image Capture SDK UI based setting is possible using JS API. The freedom to create any UI with any framework is possible.

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Auto-Code Generator

Not available.

Run API On Postman Right Away

Yes, Postman documentation and collection are available.

File Size Mentioned?

In image capture SDK, image size and file size are not mentioned. But error codes are available, which will let users know that image is too large or small in service errors.

TTL Custom Time

Custom TTL is not available. However, the token will be expired after 1 hour.

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API Token Health Stats

Is not available.

Authentication Mechanism

Basic Authentication. API Key will be used in headers to generate an access token and run the resulting string through base64 encryption.
Base64 encryption & basic authentication mechanism is being used here.

Average Response Time

While testing on postman APIs are taking time between 1.2s-2.8s.

Third-Parties Custom Integration
Twillio For SMS

Not available.

Slack Bot

Not available.

Google Signin

Not available in developers and admin portal.


Not available.

Other Specifications

Not available.

Auto-Capture SDK

Auto capture of selfies is available only in image capture SDK.

view image

Test ID Documents For Testing

Test entities are available on the portal after account configurations.

Verification Details
Device Details Against Verification

Not available.

Browser Details

Not available.

Detailed Verification Logs In The Backoffice

Are not available in backoffice.

System Logs

Is not available in backoffice.

Time Zone Setting

Setting panel is not available.

Total Verification Time

According to Trulioo, identity verification will return in real-time, but document verification could take up to 10 minutes.

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Compliance Perspective

  • GDPR
  • P2DS
  • CCPA
  • TCPA
  • ISMS
  • SOC 2 Type 1
  • SOC 2 Type 2
  • ISO/IEC 27001
  • ISO/IEC 27018
  • ISO/IEC 27017
  • PII
  • PSD2
  • ETSI EN 319 411-2
  • MTL
  • FCA
  • WAS 2.0
  • CIP
  • OFAC
  • MAS
  • FATF
  • FinCEN
  • IBeta Certification - Face Liveness
  • Privacy Shield Framework
  • AML Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
  • NIST
  • PAD
  • Security Implementation
  • 2 Factor Authentication
  • AES-256 Encryption
  • AES-256 Encryption
  • SSO Signup
  • Schedule Audits
  • Auto Logout In Case Of Inactivity
  • Role/Permission Based Users
  • Crypto Compliance
  • FinCEN And FATF-Basedd Crypto Compliance
  • Verification Attributes
  • Custom Verification Flow
  • Behavior Data Monitoring
  • Browser And Geo-Location Tracking
  • Custom Instructions Addition
  • Provided List Of Documents
  • Age Restriction Setting
  • Custom Fuzzy Match Value
  • Ignore Middle Name Mismatch
  • Customize Documents Expiry Months
  • Custom Filed Extraction
  • Country-Based Settings For Front And Back Side Of Document
  • Custom Re-Try Option
  • Detailed Decline Reasons
  • Enhanced Document Settings
  • Verification Data Deletion Option
  • Export CSV/Excel Option
  • Export PDF Option
  • Decline Reason Stats On Dashboard

data retention policy


Comments:72 hours data retention policy

Data Retention Tenure:

72 hours

Source Link:
Click Here

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