
Rating -- /5.0

This score is based on user ratings and our scenario based testing.
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Verification supporting stats






Services provided by Incode

KYC Suite

  • Face Biometric Verification
  • Document Verification
  • Age Verification
  • eID Verification
  • Reusable KYC
  • Video KYC
  • Liveness Detection
  • Perpetual KYC
  • Address Verification


  • AML for Business
  • PEP Screening
  • Watchlists Screening
  • Adverse Media Screening
  • Risk Assessment
  • Fitness & Probity Checks
  • Sanctions Screening
  • On-going Monitoring


  • Know Your Business (KYB)
  • Know Your Transaction (KYT)
  • Payment Fraud Prevention
  • OCR for business
  • ID Number Checks
  • ESign
  • Hardware Scanner Devices
  • Flexible delivery model
  • 2FA Verification
  • On-premises verification
  • NFC Verification
  • Identity Access Management
  • Travel Rule
  • Phone Risk Assessment
  • Email Risk Assessment
  • Regulatory Reports

Our Evaluation


  • 1-2 hours reponse time with proper due dilligence, product knowledge, and adequate resolvement procedures
  • Maintains good documentation
  • Smooth overall flow with data-parse scrutinization
  • Modern design with in-depth details and core features. The developers documentation is also well-maintained.
  • The interface is good and contains most of the key UX features increasing efficiency.
  • Comprehensive system with a breadth of functionality in AML, KYB, OCR, etc. and supported in 195 countries.

  • Supports only some major integrations and integration facilities.
  • Meets major security standards but only some compliance standards.
  • There are no pre-scan instructions to assist the users.
4.50 This score is based the costumer journey on desktop and mobile phone.
Ease of Use

Industry average: 4.5

4.60 This score is based on the response time of the customer support in different scenarios .
Quality of Support

Industry average: 3.9

---- Based on the response time and accuracy on fraudulent /originals documents from multiple countries
Accuracy Score

Industry average: 3.5

  • Documents Testing
  • Accuracy Rating

Accuracy - Fake Document Testing

  • Accepted - ID Cards
  • Declined - ID Cards
  • UAE
  • Austria
  • Turkey
  • USA
  • France
  • Netherland
  • Spain
  • Germany
  • Poland
  • Italy
Accuracy - Original Document Testing
  • Accepted
  • Not Supported
  • Declined
  • ID Cards
  • Passport
  • License
KYC Journey

Rating & Comments


Comments:Comments: Smooth overall flow with data-parse scrutinization. However there are no pre-scan instructions to assist the users.

User Consent & On-Boarding

Pros: The Incode initial screen presents a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily navigate to the KYC flow. The design is simple and straightforward, making it easy for users to understand where to begin the verification process.

Cons: Explicit user consent for data collection and storage is not taken

Convenience On Document Capturing

Pros: On the document choice screen, Incode provides clear instructions to guide users on which document to upload for verification. The instructions are easy to understand and help users navigate the process efficiently.
When capturing the document, Incode has a smooth and user-friendly design. They provide a final result option preview that allows users to see the result of the validation check before proceeding. Incode also provides a loader to keep the user engaged while the image is being uploaded and processed.

Cons: There is no revert option available in case a user wishes to retake the picture.


Convenience On Selfie Capturing

Pros: Incode provides clear and detailed instructions on how to take the selfie for verification. This helps users understand the process and increases the chances of a successful verification.
When capturing the selfie, Incode provides a mold to help users take the best possible image for the verification process. They also include a waiting screen with supportive text to keep the user engaged while the image is being processed.

Overall KYC Journey Smoothness And Culmination

Pros: The screen displays a clear indication of the status of the verification process, using a color scheme to indicate success or failure. The name of the test that was conducted is also displayed.
A unique feature of Incode is the option to save an electronic signature (E-sign) as part of the verification process, which is a feature not commonly offered by other vendors in the KYC flow.
The screen clearly indicates that the verification process is complete and informs the user that they should wait for a subsequent response. This helps to keep the user informed and engaged during the wait time.

Cons: The status information provided is limited to the success or failure of the liveness test, with no further details or explanations given in the event of a failure. Additionally, there is no option for the user to see why the verification was cancelled. There are no instructions provided for how to complete the E-sign process.



Rating: 4.6


1-2 hours reponse time with proper due dilligence, product knowledge, and adequate resolvement procedures


Tool Used For Calling

Google Meet

Response Time

On average, 1-2 hours

Agenda:Meeting agenda was not clear.

Scenario 1

They do proper due diligence before the call. Reaches out to the person on LinkedIn and sends them friendly messages.

Scenario 2

On missing a call, their sales representative reaches out via email as well as their mobile number.

Scenario 3

Their solution is fully customizable, just have charges for the customization.




Comments:Incode’s backoffice is user-friendly but lacking in features that are a need of the industry.


Cons: Login based on third-party is not provided.






Product Demo



Comments:Good documentations and wide support of integration facilities. Some integration methods could be made available.

Integration Methods

Yes, available. Here are the iOS SDK details.

View image

Android SDK

t’s Available. Here is the reference link .

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React Native SDK (Expo Environment)

Not available (but could be set up using the guideline on the official site of React).

React Native SDK (CLI Environment).

Available, Details are mentioned on this link.


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Npm Module For React Native


View image


Providing ReactJS sample code with Web SDK integration.


Not available.

Flutter Plugin

Flutter SDK is available by Incode. Details are here.

View image


Not available.


Not available.


Vanilla Javascript samples are provided, details.

View image


Not available.

Hosted Verification Page


View image


End Points are available, but BaseUrl is not provided publicly.


Other than Jumio Incode also provides this plugin .

View image

Apache Cordova Plugin

Not available.

Documentation Details
Explanation Through Flowcharts


View image

Easy To Understand

Yes, It is

All Documentations Are On The Same Page


View image

Integration Facilities
Country-Based Restriction In SDK.

Yes, Available in APIs Docs. Might be possible available on dashboard.

Multi-Lingual Response Settings

Not available.

Custom Webhook Creation

Perhaps, not available.

View image

Custom Application Token

API key as a token is available to get access token.

Specific Permissions To The App Tokens

Not available.

IP Restriction On App Tokens

Not available.

Sample Codes In Different Languages


Sample Codes Android/IOS

Available in React SDK and as well as in iOS SDK and Android SDK.

View image

UI-Based SDK Settings

Available. Here is the reference.

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Auto-Code Generator

Not available.

Run API On Postman Right Away

Not available.

File Size Mentioned?

Error code is mentioned about image size but limit is not defined.

View image

TTL Custom Time

Not available.

API Token Health Stats

Not available.

Authentication Mechanism

JWT authentication mechanism has been used for REST API calls. Arguments and responses will be dealt with in JSON.

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Average Response Time

The average response time is 415ms.

Third-Parties Custom Integration
Twillio For SMS

SMS service is available(Twilio is not defined).


View image

Slack Bot

Not available.

Google Signin

Not available.


Not available.

Other Specifications

Not available.

Auto-Capture SDK


View image

Test ID Documents For Testing

Not available.

Verification Details
Device Details Against Verification

Device details are not present.

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Browser Details

Logs are maintained in APIs and might possible it will be available on dashboard.

Detailed Verification Logs In The Backoffice

Available in the report and backoffice.

System Logs

Complete system logs are not available. However, session logs are available on the dashboard.

View image

Time Zone Setting


Total Verification Time

After landing on hosted verification page, the process took around 3 minutes to upload documents and added a signature at the end.

Compliance Perspective

  • GDPR
  • P2DS
  • CCPA
  • TCPA
  • ISMS
  • SOC 2 Type 1
  • SOC 2 Type 2
  • ISO/IEC 27001
  • ISO/IEC 27018
  • ISO/IEC 27017
  • PII
  • PSD2
  • ETSI EN 319 411-2
  • MTL
  • FCA
  • WAS 2.0
  • CIP
  • OFAC
  • MAS
  • FATF
  • FinCEN
  • IBeta Certification - Face Liveness
  • Privacy Shield Framework
  • AML Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
  • NIST
  • PAD
  • Security Implementation
  • 2 Factor Authentication
  • AES-256 Encryption
  • AES-256 Encryption
  • SSO Signup
  • Schedule Audits
  • Auto Logout In Case Of Inactivity
  • Role/Permission Based Users
  • Crypto Compliance
  • FinCEN And FATF-Basedd Crypto Compliance
  • Verification Attributes
  • Custom Verification Flow
  • Behavior Data Monitoring
  • Browser And Geo-Location Tracking
  • Custom Instructions Addition
  • Provided List Of Documents
  • Age Restriction Setting
  • Custom Fuzzy Match Value
  • Ignore Middle Name Mismatch
  • Customize Documents Expiry Months
  • Custom Filed Extraction
  • Country-Based Settings For Front And Back Side Of Document
  • Custom Re-Try Option
  • Detailed Decline Reasons
  • Enhanced Document Settings
  • Verification Data Deletion Option
  • Export CSV/Excel Option
  • Export PDF Option
  • Decline Reason Stats On Dashboard

data retention policy


Comments:1 year data retention policy

Data Retention Tenure:

12 months

Source Link:
Click Here

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